There is an unfortunate engineering stigma where shirts are kept safe with pocket protectors and all notes are kept on graph paper. The predestined engiNERD views life through a narrow lens of absolutes defended by singularity and a logical thought progression. The graph lines will amplify the probability of clear commutation when these calculations are passed on to a superior or subordinate and the pocket protector will decrease the likelihood of needing to enter the public landscape, rummage through the racks at a discount box store, and locate the clearance pocket tees from last year’s line. This pigeonholed individual is taught that there is only one ideal solution and that likely includes material optimization and production efficiency.
This brilliant left-brained individual has synapses and neurons dressed like accountants and pharmacists. They have built a wall on top of the fissure between the cerebral hemispheres, mind you an optimized and sturdy wall. They clash against the neurons that are dressed in flowing colors, singing and dancing, and have painted their side of the wall with a psychedelic mural depicting the consciousness of man.
In a similar fashion, the right-brained individual has created an isolated world not much different from Alice’s wonderland. There is no place for absolutes, where 2 plus 2 is relative to mood and dreaming in Technicolor is encouraged. This unbridled thought supports the possibility that one act of passion could change the lives of millions.
Occasionally, one creative neuron peers over the wall, by chance collides with a mathematical surge of electricity, falls in love and the detection of something as profound as DNA is discovered.
This battle rages on as calculators and journals are hurled over the wall and music notes and splatters of paint return fire in retaliation. How can you justify your creativity? “You can’t measure it.” “There isn’t a fill in the bubble test that assesses the value of your inspiration.” “How can you argue with the absolutes of mathematics, Darwin and Einstein’s facts?” Everyone was created with a right and left brain but for some reason communication lines have been cut, the wall has been built and the battle lines have been drawn. I propose we tear down that wall!
What if by chance, this hemispheric segregation was abolished? What if engineers were encouraged to occasionally calculate with a lump of Playdough and the dreamer of dreams was coupled with NASA’s top mathematicians? The human skull was designed to house both hemispheres. Let us re-marry creative thought and analytical thinking as we encourage new developments. Coming to discovery through two parallel viewpoints will yield the worlds the next and greatest discoveries.
David Yakos is the VP, Director of Creativity at Salient Technologies, Inc.
Photo via www.cartoonaday.com